Attaining Higher Education Interactive College Map

This free to use interactive map was developed as a companion tool for Attaining Higher Education. Select and narrow down colleges of interest using criteria important to service members and veterans.


The Attaining Higher Education Interactive Map is a companion resource to the Attaining Higher Education (AHE) Online Course and is free to use by anyone. Using a variety of criteria, including important information specific to service members and veterans, users will be able to search, filter, and identify colleges and universities that are potential matches for their higher education goals.

Two- and four-year colleges and universities interested in having their information on the map, should contact the Center for Veteran Transition and Integration at [email protected].


Attaining Higher Education on edX

Prepare to transition to college using intentional decision-making. Aimed at active duty service members and veterans, with this course you will learn about the college admission process, including financial aid, to help you choose a right-fit college.

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